
08 June 2010

{vacation projects}

I'm still on the longest vacation ever!  When all is said and done, I'll have spent 5 weeks home with my parents and sisters.  It's been fun thus far...and the great thing about coming home for a visit is that I still have SO many friends in the area.  I've been here 2 weeks now and still haven't see everyone.  Every day seems scheduled, but with that said, I've still managed to do one of my favorite things.....knit! 
In typical "me" fashion, I pretty much started 3 new knitting projects at the same time.  Never mind the fact that I brought one with me (not pictured) that I still need to finish.  Oh!  And a very good friend of mine, who's local, called me up and invited me to come dye yarn with her.  So, more knitting ahead! 

Of course, I've also spent some time in the kitchen.  Though I must admit, my mom is a rock star in that area, so I'm definitely letting her work her magic.  One of the yummies, we had last week was this sweet blueberry treat (I'll provide the recipe in an upcoming post!).

I hope you are all enjoying June or at least taking time to enjoy today!



Willow said...

Looks and sounds like you are having a marvelous time!!

Amanda said...

im glad your having a nice, long vacation! have fun knitting!! i love knitting too!! :)

and flowers pick themselves said...

the post = heaven!

have a great weekend :)

xo Alison

bronwyn said...

Glad you are having such a nice time with family and friends. Happy June!

Laura in Paris said...

Yes, I am enjoying June thanks! Going to the open market and buying the freshest produce .. waling in the Bois de Boulogne (the closest thing to nature we have in Paris), and blogging (and of course, working and the rest!)

Julia said...

Your knitting pictures are WONDERFUL! I think it would be so much fun to dye the yarn--will you show us the finished products?

Viva La Fashion said...

i wish i could knit. :)

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Nice Article ,Thanks for Sharing the information.


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